Cornell's Hardware

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To Every Thing, There Is A Season

Our store product selection follows the seasons, so garden supplies in the spring, barbecue grills in the summer, rakes in the fall, and snow shovels in winter.  Unlike most stores, though, we make use of our large basement (sometimes referred to as the Dungeon) to maintain a selection of seasonal items all year round.

So even though the weather is warming up we have inventory of ice melter and snow shovels if we get a late season snow storm.  Need some Christmas lights for decorating in July?  No problem, we have inventory of holiday lights in our inventory.  Does your grandmother need a heater to keep her warm even though it's mid-summer?  We keep inventory of heaters all year round.

Most large chains and big box stores dump all their seasonal inventory in the waning days of each season.  Good luck finding a snow shovel in March or garden hose in November at the big box stores, but we have those items on hand.  We know what is needed to maintain the homes in our area because we live here too.  So next time you need something that doesn't align with the season give us a call...we likely have what you need even if it's out of season.